Saturday, March 3, 2012


So after watching Hugo last night I got to thinking. I know, that can be dangerous some times with me. 
With all the new age junk that Hollywood is spewing these days, at least most of the movies directed toward kids have a good message. I think it is important for we parents to talk to our kids about these concepts as well. 
In the beginning I thought the movie was kind of stupid, but as it began to unfold I could see where the Authors/Directors were going with the story line. The main character in the movie is trying to figure out if his life has a purpose. Aren't we all floundering around with that concept? I know as a parent, I am constantly urging my children toward what seems to be a natural niche for them. I'm 44 and some days I still wonder what God has planned for me. Am I doing the right thing? Is this really where I am suppose to be??? I suppose what I am saying is that is the cool thing about being a Christian and trying your best to listen and be open to the wonderful adventures God throws your way. Are they always easy???? NO! Of course not, look at our lives as a military family, we go from duty station to duty station, starting over making new friends, then leaving them all behind and starting over at the next one. My theme for the new year has seemed to be grow where you're planted. I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed me an opportunity to do so recently. 
Have a blessed weekend all!

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